Join your high school PTSA
Membership in the Centennial High School PTSA is open to anyone who cares about children and youth education, health, and welfare.
When can I Join CHS PTSA?
You can join any time of the year.
Why should our family join the PTSA?
The Centennial High School PTSA survives solely on membership dues and fundraisers, we do not receive any school or government funding. Without you, there is no us. Please join to keep your PTSA and Centennial High School strong.
How will my membership help my child?
Your child will benefit from the programs the PTSA supports which are not funded by state and district budgets.
What are my responsibilities after I join?
Membership in the PTSA does not require any particular action on your part. For example, you don’t have to attend meetings or provide volunteer assistance for PTSA-sponsored activities – although we hope you’ll choose to do so!
More about Parent Teacher Associations
With nearly six million members, PTA is the largest volunteer parent organization in the United States. Since its founding in 1897, PTA has prided itself on being a powerful voice for children, a relevant resource for parents, and a strong advocate for public education.
Have questions? Email Membership Vice President Beth Moll at vp-membership@chs-ptsa.org.